Friday 25 October 2019

Weight Loss Update - Week 2

Starting Weight: 96.7 kg
New Weight: 94.6 kg
Total Loss: 2.1kg
Goal Weight: 90kg
Goal time: 2 months closing 13 Dec 2019

What went well this week:

  • I jogged twice pushing my average speed up every time.
  • Walked around the block twice
  • Went to gym once
  • Didn't have any beers
  • Slept well
  • Only had 3 slices of Pizza Friday night
What didn't go so well:
  • Craving chocolate, but didn't have any
  • Was really tired this week
  • Had a HUGE burger but didn't eat the chips and had coke zero instead of milkshake
  • Had to celebrate with champagne on Wednesday for getting my SSM certification
  • Had 2 cookies late on Wednesday evening, because of the chocolate craving.
  • Had aches in my hips when jogging
What can I control this week or do differently:
  • Try to Jog further
  • Walk around the block in the evenings after dinner
  • Make some eggs twice a week

Monday 21 October 2019

How can I claim to be a coach?

I didn't fully realize it at the time, but for the last 3 years, I've been coaching my team, my colleagues, my wife, my children in unlocking their potential and reaching their goals.

Coaching is not about giving the answers or providing solutions, it is about listening and asking powerful questions.

Everyone know how to lose weight, but not everyone wants to do it.  By asking proper questions you can see what is holding you back from achieving your goals.

As much as questions help, I also teach some techniques to help them achieve their goals.

At my company the company sets general goals for each department.  I'm coaching my team on how to reach some of these goals.

Unfortunately you don't get as much buy in from employees when it is not their goals, but instead of forcing them to work on these goals, I help them to see why it would be good for them to work on these goals.

Together with that I also help them set break through goals, which are completely up to them to decide what they would like to work on.

These are my favorite goals, as they have more commitment to achieving goals set by themselves.

I have monthly check-ins with my Team to help them track their progress and adjust or set new goals.

Sunday 20 October 2019

Why are questions powerful?

  • They are thought provoking
  • They generate curiosity
  • They channel focus
  • They generate energy and forward motion
  • They stimulate reflective conversation
  • They surface underlying assumptions
  • They invite creativity and new possibilities
  • They inspire more questions
  • They help reach for deep meaning
extract from the SAFE 4 Scrum Master study material

Friday 18 October 2019

Weight Loss Goal Update - Week 1

Starting Weight: 96.7 kg.
New weight: 95.3 kg
Loss: 1.4kg
Goal Weight: 90kg
Goal Deadline: 13 Dec 2019

Things that went well:

  • Lots of Exercise
  • Didn't make sandwiches for lunch all week, had a more protein.
  • Ate my cooked oats without sugar + milk
  • Had 1 beer 
  • Had less alcohol 
  • Less sweets
Things that could have gone better:
  • Less dairy
  • More activity during the day
  • More activity during the weekend 
  • Go jogging this weekend
  • Schedule time to walk during the day when at work
  • Plan lunch items better

Sometimes Life just doesn't want you to exercise

Yesterday was one of those days, I prepared myself to go to gym, my legs had enough of a beating this week with the jogging. Now time to work my upper body, arms and core.

I got up my normal time of 5:30 and not 5:00 because my gym is located close to my office.

Got the kids already to go at 6:30 so that I can reach the office at 7:30 if traffic allowed.

The previous night my Wife and I went on date and we took her remote for the garage just in case the kids locked us out of the house.

But as Murphy had it I'd forgotten to remove the remote from my car that night.

I only realized the next day halfway to the kids school that the remote was starring at me from the middle console of my car........CURSE!!!!

Phoned my Wife to find out if there was any other way she would be able to get the car out of the garage, but to my disappointment she couldn't work the manual override as hurt her wrist the previous week.

Made peace with the fact that I couldn't go to gym and headed back home after dropping the kids at school.   Try as I may there was no time left during the rest of the day to get my daily exercise in.

Sometime you just have to accept it.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Stiff Muscles - almost snoozed - found my purpose

How easy is it to hit the snooze button and just fall back into sleep.

I was very close to just doing that and snoozing for another 30 minutes.

Then I was having an argument with myself, I am not going jogging so I can just go back to sleep.

Then I told myself, I have to do more, I have to do something.

JUST GET UP and take it from there.

Ok, I'm up, I'm up!

Walking to the kitchen not sure what I want to do, maybe I should try and visualize my goals?

I quickly fall into routine and switch on the kettle.

I think to myself, I won't jog this morning, but I can just go for a walk.

I get my slops and decide to take a stroll around the block.

Aaah, that feels good, the fresh morning air.

I noticed a lot more things today than when I was jogging yesterday. I took in the views of the houses, the beautiful gardens, the birds singing and the bees buzzing.

Got home with 10 minutes to spare before the kids had to get up.

Thinking again, what things can I do to get going on my goals, what is my goal?

In the car, switch to You Tube after dropping the kids, listen to some TED Talks to get inspired.

Found a gem: How to find your life purpose in 5 minutes by Adam Leipzig

Result from the questions in the Video:
  • I'm Shawn Smith
  • I love coaching
  • I do it for my team, my family and anyone else who wants to be coached
  • My team wants to be recognized, my kids want to be accepted and loved, the other people want to achieve their goals
  • The are happy, fulfilled and love themselves

What a morning!!!

Sunday 13 October 2019

First Jog

I was supposed to wake up at 5 AM, but I woke up every hour, so finally got up at 4:50.

I set my Samsung S Health App to jog for 20 minutes.

I started off jogging slowly and after about 4 minutes took my first break, walking slowly, gasping for air.

After a minute a started off again, every few minutes taking a break.

I walked a lot as my body is not used to sustaining a jog.

I could feel my fat bounce up and down while I was jogging.

I managed to Jog 2.3 km's in 19 minutes.

Now already at work I can feel my muscles are already getting a bit stiff.

The nerves in my left knee is telling me I'm overweight and should probably not do this again.

I will continue to do this, as I'm motivated to feel good, when you feel good your confidence soars, if your confidence soars you perform well in business and work and even your personal life.